Our Vision.


We in RTU Ministries believe that the primary task of the church is to fulfil the Great Commission Jesus gave us before He ascended into heaven; 

'Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature' - Mark 16:15. (MEV)

We in RTU are committed to playing our part in bringing the gospel to those who have never heard it before - to reach the unreached.

We believe that the gospel must first be preached to the whole world before Jesus Christ can return to earth; 

Jesus himself said so in Matthew 24:14 (MEV): 'And this gospel of the kingdom wll be preached in throughout the world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come come.'

People, tribes and ethnic groups who are still unreached will always be our number one priority in RTU Ministries.

We will use all proper methods to bring the gospel to the unreached, particularly national evangelists, gospel campaigns, literature,and radio.

We are non-denominational and willing to work with all true Bible-believing Christians, churches and missions, etc in the spread of the gospel.